(9 more than last year)
Number of pages read: 30,879
Mode of reading: Audio (73), Physical Book (36), E-book (11)
Book genres:
C. S. Lewis Studies: 6
Fantasy (18) + Sci-Fi (15) = 33
Non-fiction (other): 11
Spiritual Memoir: 10
Spirituality/Christian Living/Devotional: 9
Theology (26) + Bible (6) + Seminary (19) = 51
Male/female authorship: 82 male, 38 female.
Well, it's more than last year's 25 female authors, but I still want to increase the number of women authors I am reading.
I also want to up my game in reading related to C. S. Lewis this year, so I will plan to focus on that a bit more.
Here is the complete list of the books I read in 2015.
I also compiled a list of my top-ten first time reads and top-ten re-reads of 2015.
See the full goodreads infographic here.