
Thursday, June 04, 2015

wait to live

I wrote this a couple of years ago as loved ones waited in hospice for a dearly loved family member to pass on from this life to the next. I found it the other day and thought I would share it on here.
wait to live

your mother waits:
9 months to meet you,
2-3 years for you to get out of diapers,
3-5 years for you to go to school.

you can't wait to:
go to school,
sit at the adult table at family gatherings,
be one of the big kids,
get a car,
graduate high school,
grow up and leave it all behind.

then you wait to:
graduate college,
find employment,
move out on your own,
get your dream job,
buy a house,
have kids,

and in the end,
you wait to die.

but all along the way
we are waiting
and longing,
for heaven,
to be with Jesus,
waiting to live whole -
no longer broken, shattered, and torn,
waiting to die to self and wake to LIFE.

waiting to live,
waiting to die,
to truly LIVE.

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