
Thursday, January 22, 2015

A Bit of Rambling on Writing and All the Feelings

Vulnerability is key to writing that has meaning and depth. So often I think this tends to be a factor in my experiences of writer's block. I avoid the rawness which writing requires of me.

But by now, don't we all know that none of us have it all together? So why do we feel like we have to continue pretending like we do? Why do I still feel the pressure to pretend to be perfect when I know I'm not fooling anyone, least of all, myself!

Why is it so hard to just be honest with each other and let Grace cover the mess of it all? Isn't that kind of the whole point? That we are all in desperate need of Grace? And that we need each other too?

We long for deep, genuine connection with people, but we have to be willing to take off the masks and come out of hiding for that to happen.

So here's to the ones who feel broken, alone, or afraid,
to the ones who are hurting,
to the ones who feel unworthy or unloved.

For the ones who feel they are not enough:
not good enough,
not smart enough,
not skinny enough,
not fill-in-the-blank enough

and conversely,
the ones who feel like they are just too much…

Because -
I am the broken.
I am the lonely.
I am the hurting.
I am the one who feels like she is not enough…and too much...

And in the midst of all of the pain and heartache and brokenness of this world, I want to point to the Light, to the One who has kept me alive, the One that has kept me going, the One that holds all things together

Over and over again, God has used other people in my life who have spoken words of Love over me and words of Truth into me and it has saved my life in so many ways.

So I want to say to you (and to me):
Because of Christ and in Christ you are covered by love and grace, 
And you are enough because He is enough.
His grace covers your imperfections.
He is there in your loneliness and He has not forgotten you. 
And He loves you more than you know. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Compassionate and grace-filled words. One thing about vulnerability though, is that we can be assured that in this fallen world people will hurt us. And, Jesus suggested, the more closely we follow in his footsteps, the more abuse we can anticipate.

Still, your words to us are words we need to hear.