
Friday, November 02, 2012

Thankful Thursday (on Friday) 11/2/2012

Thankful Thursday (Inspired by Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts)

holy experience
I am thankful for...
92. Saturday night with Erin and Cedar
93. Cedar (22 months) loving on me and telling me "I love you too" for the first time!
94. Extra rest and sleep on Saturday and Sunday
95. Family time Sunday
96. Sojourn on Sunday night with Lauren (and Erin on worship team to boot!)
97. Dinner with Lauren/encouraging conversation (Sunday night)
98. Community Group Tuesday night
99. Free nights Monday & Wednesday
100. Good conversation/prayer time with Megan on Tuesday night
101. Seeing Susan & Stephanie Thursday night
102. Late-night conversation with Lauren on Thursday night
Me and my lil buddy, Cedar, (back in July)

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