
Monday, January 06, 2020

2019 Reading Recap (The one with the charts and graphs!)

My Year in Books (2019)

I did it! I didn't think I was going to reach my goal, but I read like a maniac during the last few days of December in order to read 200 books in 2019! (I had a lot of time in the car to listen to audiobooks and a lot of other downtime when I was able to finish books in progress on kindle.

2012 was the first year I set a reading goal (52 books) and started keeping track of everything I read.
2014 was the first year I started using a spreadsheet to help me collect and analyze more data than Goodreads allows.
And then last year I discovered that bookriot.com had a spreadsheet with some built-in charts and graphs, beyond what I was already tracking. So I used theirs to jump off of this year, while still tweaking it a bit as I went along. Here is a link where you can get their 2020 reading log template if you so wish.

Now on to the nerd stats:

The above image is from the Goodreads infographic. Apparently, only 4 other people also read (and tracked on Goodreads) The Theology of Martin Luther by Hans-Martin Barth. Go figure? :-)

Number of books read: 203
Number of pages read: 43,268
Average Length: 213 pages

This was by far the most books I've ever read in a year. Previously, my highest number was 142 books read in 2016. 

Mode of reading:
Audiobook (106), Ebook (57), Print (38)
 - According to Audible, I listened to 371 hours of audiobooks in 2019 (Although that was before the last few days of December, so it was actually even more than that.).

Book Genres:
Fiction vs. Nonfiction is still very close to 50-50, like usual.

More specific genres I tracked:
C. S. Lewis Studies: 19
Seminary: 12
Theology: 58
Spiritual Memoir: 9
Science Fiction: 22
Fantasy: 59
General Fiction: 23
General Nonfiction: 18

Male/Female Authorship:
Female: 71
Male: 131

This continues to be difficult to balance. In 2018 I was able to get it to 55% men and 45% women, but in 2017 it was 80% men authors. This year it swung back a bit to 65% men authors and 35% women.

Books Read Per Month:
It's interesting to compare my reading trends in 2018 vs. 2019. Both years spike up in December, but I read a lot more books in January of 2019 than January of 2018. I also bottomed out in April and October of this year. 


Read vs. Re-reads:
First time read: 174
Re-read: 27
Favorite first-time reads of 2019:
See this list on goodreads
These 36 books are a pretty good mix of theology, fantasy/science-fiction, including some graphic novels, which is a pretty accurate representation of my typical reading patterns.

2018 Reading Recap and Book Stats
2017 Reading Recap and Book Stats
2016 Reading Recap and Book Stats
2015 Reading Recap

What I read in 2018 (130 books)
What I read in 2017 (83 books)
What I read in 2016 (142 books)
What I read in 2015 (120 books)
What I read in 2014 (111 books)
What I read in 2013 (100 books)
What I read in 2012 (56 books)

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