
Thursday, December 28, 2017

My Year in Books: 2017 (Book stats, and graphs, and charts, oh my!)

Yes, I keep a spreadsheet of the books I read throughout the year. Yes I realize that takes my nerdiness to a whole new level. I am good with that. =)
Number of books read: 84
Well, I did not hit my original goal of reading more books than last year (141), or my modified goal of reading at least 100 books. I hit a major reading slump back in the summer and didn't really recover much until the last couple of months. So I'm debating between setting my 2018 goal back to 100 or 120, which would be about 10 books a month. I'll probably set it at 120 and drop it if I need to as the year progresses.

Number of pages read: 18,646

Average Length: 222 pages (There were some short stories in there that brought that number down a bit.)

This is part of the graphic Goodreads compiled for me

My average rating makes sense when I look at the breakdown:

Mode of reading:
Audiobook (60), Ebook (16), Print (8)
Book Genres:
C. S. Lewis Studies: 17
Inklings: 3
Seminary: 11
Theology: 8
Spiritual: 3
Science Fiction: 12
Fantasy: 13
Fiction: 12
Non-Fiction: 5

For this chart I grouped Seminary, Theology, and Spiritual together as "Theology", and I put the Inklings in with C. S. Lewis.
But then I decided I wanted to see what that would look like if I put the C. S. Lewis books into their actual genre instead of separating them out:
What can I say? I like charts and graphs! =)
Male/Female Authorship:
Female: 17
Male: 67

Like I said last year, I really want to even out this statistic, but it is harder than you might think when you are also focused on reading in C. S. Lewis studies and Theology...
Books Read Per Month:
Here you can really see that reading slump I was talking about. I didn't finish one single book in the months of June and July! Only one in August and September, and zero in October! I finally got my reading mojo back in November and December and tried to make up for lost time!
Read vs. Re-reads:
First time read: 61
Re-read: 23

Yes, I modified my goal on Goodreads so I could complete the reading challenge.

(HT to @PaperFury on the idea to use Canva to make my charts this year. They look much better than the screenshots of excel that I used last year.)

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